Sunday, July 20, 2008

Grapefruit compound inhibits hepatitis C virus

Flavonoids naringenin grapefruit inhibits secretion of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) in infected cells and could provide a new approach for treating the disease, according to a Harvard Medical School study.

About 3 percent of the world's population is infected with HCV, which can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer. The current standard therapy of interferon and ribavirin is only effective in about 50 percent of cases and can cause significant side effects, according to background information in the study.

Recent research suggests that HCV can be "hitching a ride" along the lipoprotein life cycle, and that dietary supplements and compounds that influence the metabolism of lipoproteins may also affect HCV.

In this new study, researchers showed that HCV is secreted by the infected cells, while linked to a very low density lipoprotein

"Silence in the apolipoprotein B (Apo-B) mRNA in infected cells causes a 70 percent reduction in the secretion of ApoB-100 and HCV. ApoB This dependent secretion via HCV suggests a new therapeutic approach for treatment of HCV infection, "the researchers wrote.

Then test the grapefruit flavonoids naringenin and found that the reduction of HCV in the secretion of infected cells by 80 percent.

"The concept of complementing the HCV patients with diets naringenin is attractive," the researchers wrote. However, he noted that the intestinal wall does not absorb well naringenin, which means therapeutic doses of flavonoids would have to be given by injection or in combination with other compounds to increase its absorption by the intestine.

The researchers also noted that several naringenin and other compounds in grapefruit have significant drug-drug interactions.

"Future studies will focus on long-term capacity of naringenin and perhaps other citrus flavonoids to reduce viral load in animal models and long-term cultures of human primary hepatocytes," concluded the researchers.

The study was published in May issue of Hepatology

By. Robert Preidt

SOURCE: Hepatology, news release, April 29, 2008

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is really unbelievable, I just got tested negative to HEPATITIS B after a long time of suffering. I experienced dark urine and ribs pain and then I went to the hospital for treatment and I was told its hepatitis b that it has no cure, although I was given some drugs to slowdown the viral load but it later got worse hence my body was getting weaker. My friend helped me locate Dr. Iyabiye while looking for possible solution online. I contacted him and the pains gone after taken his medicine, I went back to the hospital for a test and I was tested negative. This is real wonderful, here is the Dr. contact: phone +234-815-857-7300